Remember how in childhood our mothers, fathers and grandmothers repeated tirelessly: "Do not put your hands in your mouth, they are dirty, do not touch this dog, it is homeless, maybe there are worms. Wash the apple, it was lying on the ground, even your hands, there is black soil under the nails, you will catch more worms! Childhood and adult attraction are many in the past, grandparents are already in the cemetery, but the worm parasites have not left. They live near us andconstantly threatening to enter the body with food, water, through pets, even though they are clean, and a God knows how otherwise.
We take care, respect personal hygiene, keep houses and pets clean, boil and fry fish and meat, wash fruits and vegetables well, do not go to questionable hotel facilities and still sometimes find ourselves among a parasitologist's patients. And before us the wall raises the question of how to quickly and safely remove worms from the body to an adult, and is it possible to pass by folk remedies? Let's talk about these and other ways to get rid of worms in today's article.
How to remove worms from the body to an adult - a summary of ways
Of course, the best way to deal with any problem is to prevent it. But then trouble happened, what to do, where to run, what to catch? There can be two solutions here. The first is to go to the doctor, do tests and, based on them, get prescriptions that consist of swallowing some pills. The advantage of this option is qualified medical help, knowledge of the type of helminth that struck you, invaluable experience for the future. The bad thing is the endless trials in the doctor's offices, the giving of unpleasant tests, the long-term use of very unsafe and quite expensive anti-helminthic drugs.
The second, cheaper and less exhausting option are traditional medicine prescriptions. Among them there are very strong and effective techniques, suitable even for ladies in position. The advantage of this method is relative freedom and peace of mind. Cons - if the treatment is not well chosen, you should go to the doctor, do tests and take medication, in addition, herbal treatment requires patience and long courses. If you choose to be treated by a doctor, then this is your personal right. We will talk about how to remove tapeworms and other worms from the body of an adult with folk remedies.
How to remove worms in a popular way?
So, wise traditional medicine recognizes many effective and efficient options for expelling worms. Here are some of them:
- Garlic with milk. Boil a large head of garlic in a glass of milk. Then remove the garlic, drain the milk and cool to a pleasant temperature. After hygiene procedures in the evening, before going to bed, inject garlic milk into the anus with an enema and leave it on overnight. In the morning, before eating, drink a laxative, or a solution of Glauber salt, or a decoction of buckthorn bark. Continue the treatment until the worms are completely removed.
- Collection of bitter herbs. Take 2 tablespoons. l. tansy and 1 tbsp. wormwood, add to them 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and centaury. Pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then drain and drink 15 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. until complete elimination of worms.
- Ancient recipe. The action is quite fast, already on the 2nd or 3rd day you will feel a clear result. On the first day of treatment, the patient should eat liquid food and puree. And before going to bed, you should drink 25-30 g of Glauber or Epsom salts as a laxative. On the second day of the morning, immediately after waking up, you should do a cleansing enema. And then on an empty stomach for 30-40 minutes to drink medicine from pumpkin seeds. Then, after 2 hours, take 40-50 g of laxative in the form of Glauber or Epsom salts. And after 2 hours you should eat. Repeat the treatment until the worms are completely eliminated.
- Pumpkin seed recipe. Peel about half a kilo of pumpkin seeds, leaving a thin layer of green. Pour them into a mortar in small pieces, grind carefully with a press. Then, in portions of 10-15 drops, pour 50-60 ml of water on the crushed seeds, stirring constantly. To give a pleasant taste to the mass, add a little honey, jam or sugar and feed the patient everything for an hour. After 3 hours, you should drink a laxative and after another 30 minutes, make a cleansing enema.

There are many more excellent options on how to remove worms from the body of an adult or a pregnant woman with folk remedies. But it's much better not to get sick, right?